Sunday, October 01, 2006

The first words are the worst..because you never know what they should be. it seems like i should have some profound entry statement into the world of blogging, but, alas, I don't.
So I'll say a bunch of cliches and dismiss myself until my second blog, in which I can say anything, because no one really places judgement on the second blog. Only the first for some reason..perhaps because I have the amateur blogger status and so all those bloggers before me are critically analyzing every word i say. Or maybe thats me...and maybe i'm just paranoid...
Maybe I'll just stop here and keep it simple.
That's all.

- A Postal

1 comment:

jeremy postal said...

I love that your initials are "a postal" I'm happy that your a postal!Sweet!

Welcome to the internerd world of blogging....when I have a few minutes I should send you some links to a few great marketing/networking blogs.

Prepare your hand for a high five!