Thursday, November 09, 2006

Enough is Never Enough

I was visiting my mom last Sunday, and we were talking over dinner about the ministry my mom and stepdad volunteer at, its at a church in Chilliwack, and my mom is incharge of the free clothing station, helping the homeless or those in dire need of warm clothes for a cold winter on the streets. The church has a thrift store that they pull some of the clothes they'll give away, but its not enough. She was telling us that one lady came in from outside wearing clothes that would not keep her dry and warm, but there was nothing left to give away, my mom later went to the woman and gave her her own jacket, telling her that she'd 'found something' for her to have. This really challenged me. My mom has a heart that loves nothing more than to give to others, but what does my heart look like? What does your heart look like?

I overheard a girl while I was working (at Bootlegger) the other day, and she said to her friend "I love this sweater! I think i need it!" and her friend replied "you DONT need it, you have SO many", to which she replied "Yeah, but only a couple that i actually WEAR!!" immediatly I start thinking - man, what a spoiled brat. And then I realized how many times I have tried to justify buying something. I have more clothes than I need, yet I never have enough. I buy one thing, and hate the last thing I bought. And they just keep piling up. And Im never satisifed. I never feel like I have enough, I always want the newest and hottest item.

Do you ever wonder why what you have is NEVER quite enough?

I think i may have realized it, or atleast part of it. Its because as humans we're not made to be satisfied by consuming, we're made to be satisfied by giving. No matter what aquire, we'll have that humanly craving to have more, but we will find so much more fufillment, and I believe, contentment, if we give more OF ourselves, than we take FOR ourselves.

So how do we find a medium?
Should we give a little? Give a lot? How about giving until it hurts? Or are we supposed to live in luxury, and maybe devote ourselves to one charity a lifetime?

What about Jesus? What about the demonstration of the church and community in Acts when they all gave of themselves so that ALL could be taken care of?

I'm really unsure of what that medium is. Looking at my own life, I might call myself a giving person. I care about the homeless, the poor. I see people on the streets, and my heart breaks for them. but not enough to do much about it. I've really done very little. But I want to do more.

My mom is collecting clothes, particularily jackets and sweatshirts, but anything will be great, as well as blankets, to keep the people on the streets warm and dry over the winter. If anyone has something in there closet they dont need. Or maybe its something in your closet you just bought and love - you can contact me or Jabin or drop it off at our apartment!

Any comments, ideas, thoughts, agreeing words, disagreeing arguments, whatever you've got, is welcomed!


Anonymous said...

Right on Andrea. "Godliness with contentment is great gain."

Pa Postal

Josh said...

wow... very challenging... I was thinking about this the other day as someone asked me what I wanted for Christmas... I thought for a second and then replied... "I don't know... you don't have to get me anything." But the person kept pressing me to tell them something. Finally I said, "I honestly don't know, Ive got everything I need." Its funny after that conversation ended, I realized that I already have enough, I already have everything I really need. And most people around me have everything they really need. But so often we forget that! Im challenged to for the needs around me. Thanks for the reminder Andrea.