Monday, November 13, 2006

Spa la la alone

I held a work spa at my house tonight. And nobody came...!
For anyone who doesn't know what I do, I am a consultant for a business called BeautiControl, and I do a mini at home spa, as well as selling skincare, makeup, and the spa products. Its a great business, and I'm excited to move forward with it, but there will always be shortfalls.

My immediate reaction was different than I exepected. I was watching the clock, waiting for someone to knock on the door..but by 10 till 8 I realized it was slightly hopeless, but I wasn't upset. I really want to do an at home business, and what I'm really aspiring to do is do aesthetics and combine it with BeautiControl. But its a process. I really know little about business. My dad is a business man, and he hasn't worked for anyone other than himself for the last 20 years. He's incredible at what he does, but apart from the odd thing I've learned from him (because I never really cared until recently), I know almost nothing.

Every successful business person (apart from a lucky few), have to overcome adversity to succeed. You don't learn to be better from being good, you learn from your mistakes. So I'll contrinue on this journey, and see where it takes me. As long as I stay on for the ride...


JPostal said...


Thats cool that you want to operate a business out of your home. It is a great way to earn some extra cash, and there are some great tax advantages for home based businesses.

In the early stages of your business be sure to closely analyze what works and what doesn't work. What draws people to a party? How come some parties are more successful than others? What sales techniques have/have not worked? Learn from your mistakes and brutaly honest with yourself.

Anonymous said...
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A Postal said...

Thanks for the tips! Anymore you have...keep em' coming! I need someone to learn from. We meet as a unit with beauticontrol everymonth, but Ive had a hard time getting to know people, but its nice to have someone to watch and learn from. You'd probobly understand somewhat because of the business you've been doing hey?

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea, I just found your blog - via Andrea Lewis's blog!! Isn't that funny!

Cool web site, and keep on rolling because you definately have what it takes!