Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Good airtime

This issue is ongoing, and ongoing, and ongoing, and frankly, I have had about enough of it. I have one question - WHY is it that we are able to unite together with the ultimate determination on fighting the issue of gay rights and gay marriage etc etc. , but we can't bring ourselves together for the causes of Jesus. I'm not trying to sound heathenistic, my beliefs are the same as the rest, but I believe there are bigger things that I need to fight for. I caught the end of "The Hour" tonight, and it was a Christian leader of some sort - I'm not sure of his religous background, discussing the impact the Christian leaders of all denominatinos are having in the fight against gay marriage. He boasted of how this issue has brought unity among Christians leaders in Canada - to Which George Strombolopolous replied - "why the issue of gay marriage, why not a bigger issue like poverty, or religous fighting?" The guy then says "sure, sounds great, maybe after this..." or something of the like. I was mad. I'll say it. I felt embarassed to be a Christian...Not ashamed to be a follower of Christ, but ashamed that those publicly and loudly representing what I believe, represent on such a shallow level. Perhaps I'm being too judgemental, or too liberal. But I just feel like the impact that these Christians leaders COULD have, is much bigger, and in the realm of all things, much more important. I know the media uses these people to exploit Christianity ...but maybe if we united in things like poverty and justice, and made enough noise and impact, we'd get some good airtime.

1 comment:

jeremy postal said...

Hey yo! Great post!
I happened to see the Hour that night and watched as Christianity was made a joke of. It was sad to watch and yes, angrifing.