Thursday, October 26, 2006


I was listening to Praise 106.5 today, and i listened to one song, and then another, and i could have sworn it was the same song 3 times in a row. And so i switched it back to the fox, and then the beat, as I muc h prefer to get pumped up on Eminem and Nelly Furtado...

Anyways, Jabin and I were driving tonight, and i think we were listening to 106.5...and I mentioned how I just dont enjoy listening to it, and out of it came an interesting discussion.
We talked about how Christian artists write all these songs, and we sing all these songs, about devoting our lives to God, and how we're passionate about him, and how we will read our bible everyday, and how he is our world, and our life...and we make all these promises to him that we dont even realize we're making??! I should really find the reference, and if someone knows it, please share it, but I know it says in the bible not to make an oath to God if you are not willing to keep it.

So the question I pose:
What does an oath qualify as, and if we are singing these songs, and vowing these things, and stating things about our Christian walk that might not even be true, is that right?? Or is there more to this that I just don't see?


jeremy postal said...

If we say somethign not realizing that we are saying it - does that make it an oath?
An oath seems alittle heavier then some misplaced words and phrases....???

A Postal said...

Fair enough - But then isn't pretty sad that the songs that we are singing are little more than "misplaced words and phrases" - and words that we sing without "realizing there meaning?". And if that isn't so, and we do realize what we are singing ,and the committments we are making etc. then I believe we have a responsibility to those things!

Anonymous said...

Well, a few thigns to note here...

We're held accountable for every IDLE word we speak. Meaning the words we don't think about- also implying that for every word we think about we're held accountable for (or atleast as leaders.

Ecclesiasties 5:4-7
Then Jesus says don't make oaths, "let your yes be yes, and no be no. " in Matt: 5:37
And in James 5:12